02《地铁:离去》测试《地铁:离去》是一款第一人称射击游戏,对于高帧数依赖性更强。测试方式与测试《古墓丽影:暗影》一致,绘制帧数曲线、记录游戏过程中各硬件占用情况。画质设置方面,选择开启DX12、NVIDIA RTX,其中RAY TRACING为高,并勾选DLSS,关闭垂直同步,分辨率为1920×1080,画面质量选择游戏内置的高画质,动态模糊为高。游戏运行第一章莫斯科归来,场景为地下。
[10]潘功胜,2016,《中国债券市场的改革与发展》,《读懂“十三五”》,中国人民大学出版社。[11]徐忠,2015, 《中国债券市场发展中热点问题及其认识》,《金融研究》第 2 期,第 29~35 页。[12]徐忠,2017,《中国稳健货币政策的实践经验与货币政策理论的国际前沿》, 《金融研究》第 1 期,
The retrospect of monetary policy in China shows that the necessary conditions for monetary policy transformation have been satisfied, but we also point out that the practice of monetary policy in modern sense lasts for only around twenty years, after abandoning the direct controls on credit behavior and turning to the quantity indirect policy with the money supply as the intermediate target in 1998. Central bank in China is always confronting the impetus of investment and credit expansion due the traditional growth-led economic mode. Because of the governmental preference to a higher growth rate, there are soft budget constraint sectors such as the local government vehicles, stated owned firms and housing industry enterprises. The supervisory affaires of the central bank in China were separated. While, due to the industry development dominance of the supervisory ideology, there are race to the bottom in the financial supervision, which promote the rapid growth of the shadow banking in recent years and financial risks are accumulated heavily. Although there is enough market breadth of the financial market, there are still too strict regulations and the market depth is relatively low. The monetary markets and bond markets are still separated, the admittance of the market, esp. the derivative markets are sill strictly controlled, the financial products are immature and there are still implicit dual interest track. The exchange rate is still lack of edacity.